%% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk. %% http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/ %% Created for Fabricio Simeoni de Sousa %% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8) @article{shell1959high, title={A high-speed sorting procedure}, author={Shell, D. L.}, journal={Communications of the ACM}, volume={2}, number={7}, pages={30--32}, year={1959}, publisher={ACM} } @article{frank1960high, title={A high-speed sorting procedure}, author={Frank, R. M. and Lazarus, R. B.}, journal={Communications of the ACM}, volume={3}, number={1}, pages={20--22}, year={1960}, publisher={ACM} } @article{hibbard1963empirical, title={An empirical study of minimal storage sorting}, author={Hibbard, T. N.}, journal={Communications of the ACM}, volume={6}, number={5}, pages={206--213}, year={1963}, publisher={ACM} } @article{papernov1965method, title={A method of information sorting in computer memories}, author={Papernov, A. A. and Stasevich, G. V.}, journal={Problemy Peredachi Informatsii}, volume={1}, number={3}, pages={81--98}, year={1965}, publisher={Academia de Ciências da Rússia, Departamento de Informática, Equipamento Computacional e Automatização} } @phdthesis{pratt1972shellsort, title={Shellsort and sorting networks}, author={Pratt, V. R.}, year={1972}, publisher={Departamento de Ciência da Computação da Universidade de Stanford - Califórnia}, school={Universidade de Stanford} } @book{knuth1973art, title={The Art of Computer Programming 3: Sorting and Searching}, author={Knuth, D. E.}, year={1998}, publisher={Addison-Wesley}, address={EUA} } @article{knuth1976big, title={Big omicron and big omega and big theta}, author={Knuth, D. E.}, journal={ACM Sigact News}, volume={8}, number={2}, pages={18--24}, year={1976}, publisher={ACM} } @inproceedings{incerpi1983improved, title={Improved upper bounds on Shellsort}, author={Incerpi, J. and Sedgewick, R.}, booktitle={Anais do 24º Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 1983}, pages={48--55}, year={1983}, organization={IEEE} } @article{sedgewick1986new, title={A new upper bound for ShellSort}, author={Sedgewick, R.}, journal={Journal of Algorithms}, volume={7}, number={2}, pages={159--173}, year={1986}, publisher={Elsevier} } @book{gonnet1991handbook, title={Handbook of Algorithms and Data Structures: in Pascal and C}, author={Gonnet, G. H. and Baeza-Yates, R. A.}, year={1991}, publisher={Addison-Wesley}, address={EUA} } @article{tokuda1992improved, title={An improved Shellsort}, author={Tokuda, N.}, journal={Anais do 12º IFIP World Computer Congress on Algorithms, Software, Architecture-Information Processing}, volume={1}, pages={449--457}, year={1992}, organization={North-Holland Publishing Co.} } @inproceedings{ciura2001best, title={Best increments for the average case of shellsort}, author={Ciura, M.}, booktitle={Fundamentals of Computation Theory}, pages={106--117}, year={2001}, organization={Springer} } @misc{ema, author = {Autor}, title = {{Título da Página}}, howpublished = "\url{http://sitedoautor.br/}", year = {2016}, note = "[Último acesso: 10 de Dezembro de 2018]" } @article{cypher1993lower, title={A lower bound on the size of Shellsort sorting networks}, author={Cypher, R.}, journal={SIAM Journal on Computing}, volume={22}, number={1}, pages={62--71}, year={1993}, publisher={SIAM} } @article{poonen1993worst, title={The worst case in Shellsort and related algorithms}, author={Poonen, B.}, journal={Journal of Algorithms}, volume={15}, number={1}, pages={101--124}, year={1993}, publisher={Elsevier} } @book{alfonsin2005diophantine, title={The diophantine Frobenius problem}, author={Alfons{\'\i}n, J. L. R.}, volume={30}, year={2005}, publisher={Oxford University Press on Demand} } @article{weiss1990more, title={More on shellsort increment sequences}, author={Weiss, M. A. and Sedgewick, R.}, journal={Information Processing Letters}, volume={34}, number={5}, pages={267--270}, year={1990}, publisher={Elsevier} } @book{cormen2009introduction, title={Introduction to algorithms}, author={Cormen, T. H. and Leiserson, C. E. and Rivest, R. L. and Stein, C.}, year={2009}, publisher={Editora MIT} } @article{vitanyi2018average, title={On the average-case complexity of Shellsort}, author={Vit{\'a}nyi, P.}, journal={Random Structures \& Algorithms}, volume={52}, number={2}, pages={354--363}, year={2018}, publisher={Wiley Online Library} } @article{goodrich2011randomized, title={Randomized shellsort: A simple data-oblivious sorting algorithm}, author={Goodrich, M. T.}, journal={Journal of the ACM (JACM)}, volume={58}, number={6}, pages={27}, year={2011}, publisher={ACM} } @inproceedings{recente2018, title={Título do Artigo}, author={Autores}, year={2018} } @inproceedings{recente20182, title={Título do Artigo}, author={Autores}, year={2018} }