Analysis of Error in the Solution of the 2-D Diffusion Equation by Finite Element Methods


  • I.F.M. Moura
  • E.C. Roumão
  • J.B.C. Silva



This work presents a numerical solution of the two-dimensional diffusion equation in comparison with the analytical solution. The norms L2 and L1 of the error are evaluated for two variants of the finite element method: the Galerkin Finite Element Method (GFEM) and the Least-Squares Finite Element Method (LSFEM). Two applications are presented and discussed.


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How to Cite

Moura, I., Roumão, E., & Silva, J. (2008). Analysis of Error in the Solution of the 2-D Diffusion Equation by Finite Element Methods. Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics, 9(2), 287–298.



Original Article