Peer Review process

Authors interested in publishing in Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics must submit their articles through the journal's system, available at Articles are received by the Editor-in-Chief, and after checking, they are forwarded to the Associate Editors, who will conduct a peer review process. In this process, the Associate Editors invite at least two ad hoc reviewers, researchers with publications and experience in the area of the submitted work or in related areas, to provide advisory opinions on the submitted work within a period of 45 days. In case of conflicting opinions, the work is forwarded to a third ad hoc reviewer. Based on the opinions issued, the final decision is announced by the Associate Editors. After the result, authors have 30 days to submit the revised version, which is analyzed again by the Editor, based on the opinions sent by ad hoc reviewers. Once the evaluation stage has been completed, approved articles proceed to the editing phase, being allocated for publication in the next available issue.