The NFDA - Nonsmooth Feasible Directions Algorithm applied to construction of Pareto fronts of Ridge and Lasso regressions




Ridge Regression. Lasso Regression. Multiobjective Optimization. Pareto Front.


Ridge and Lasso regressions are types of linear regression, a machine learning tool for dealing with data. Based on multiobjective optimization theory, we transform Ridge and Lasso regression into bi-objective optimization problems. The Pareto fronts of the resulting problems provide a range of regression models from which the best one can be selected. We employ the NFDA-Nonsmooth Feasible Directions Algorithm devised for solving convex optimization problems to construct the Pareto fronts of Ridge and Lasso when regarded as bi-objective problems.


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How to Cite

Freire, W. P. (2024). The NFDA - Nonsmooth Feasible Directions Algorithm applied to construction of Pareto fronts of Ridge and Lasso regressions. Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics, 25(1), e01767.



Original Article