Binomial-exponential 2 Distribution: Different Estimation Methods and Weather Applications
Binomial-exponential 2, Maximum likelihood estimation, Cram\'{e}r-von-Mises type minimum distance estimators, Right-tail Anderson-Darling estimatorsAbstract
In this paper, we have considered different estimation methods of the unknown parameters of a binomial-exponential 2 distribution. First, we briefly describe different frequentist approaches such as the method of moments, modified moments, ordinary least-squares estimation, weighted
least-squares estimation, percentile, maximum product of spacings, Cramer-von Mises type minimum distance, Anderson-Darling and Right-tail Anderson-Darling, and compare them using extensive numerical simulations. We apply our proposed methodology to three real data sets related to the total monthly rainfall during April, May and September at Sao Carlos, Brazil.
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