Attitude Stabilization of the PMM Satellite Using a LQG-Based Control Strategy


  • A.C. Santana
  • L.S. Martins Filho
  • G. Arantes Jr.



This paper deals with the problem of 3-axis attitude stabilization of a satellite subjected to dynamics perturbations. The controller is based on the Linear Quadratic Gaussian control theory (LQG). The main purpose of the workis to synthesize a control law characterized by simplicity on implementation. The study considers the specific case of the Brazilian satellite PMM. The article presents the system modelling, the proposed control, and analysis of simulation results.


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How to Cite

Santana, A., Martins Filho, L., & Arantes Jr., G. (2008). Attitude Stabilization of the PMM Satellite Using a LQG-Based Control Strategy. Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics, 9(2), 321–330.



Original Article