Analyzing the Relationship between Interval-valued D-Implications and Interval-valued QL-Implications


  • R.H.S. Reiser
  • B.R.C Bedregal
  • R.H.N Santiago
  • G.P. Dimuro



The aim of this work is to analyze the relationship between interval QLimplications and their contrapositions named interval D-implications. In order to achieve this aim, the commutative classes relating to these concepts are studied. We also analyze under which conditions the main properties corresponding to punctual D-implications and QL-implications are still valid when an interval-based fuzzy approach, on the best interval representation, is considered.


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Como Citar

Reiser, R., Bedregal, B., Santiago, R., & Dimuro, G. (2010). Analyzing the Relationship between Interval-valued D-Implications and Interval-valued QL-Implications. Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics, 11(1), 89–100.



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