A Reduced Semidefinite Programming Formulation for HA Assignment Problems in Sport Scheduling


  • Hugo José Lara UFSC-Blumenau
  • Abel Soares Siqueira Department of Mathematics, Federal University of Parana
  • Jinyun Yuan Department of Mathematic. Federal University of Parana




Sports scheduling, Integer quadratic programming. Semidefinite programming.


Home-Away Assignment problems are naturally cast as quadraticpro gramming models in binary variables. In this work we compare alternative formulations for this kind of problems. First,
write a quadratic programming formulation with linear constraints, and then a quadratically constrained version. We also propose another formulation by manipulating their special structure to obtain versions with 1/4 of the original size. The quadratic programming formulations leads to semidefinite relaxations, which allows us to approximately solve the models. We compare our SDP relaxation with the MIN-RES-CUT based formulation. Numerical experiments exhibit the characteristics of each model.


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Como Citar

Lara, H. J., Siqueira, A. S., & Yuan, J. (2018). A Reduced Semidefinite Programming Formulation for HA Assignment Problems in Sport Scheduling. Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics, 19(3), 471. https://doi.org/10.5540/tema.2018.019.03.471



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