An Efficient Quantum Algorithm for the Hidden Subgroup Problem over some Non-Abelian Groups


  • Demerson Nunes Gonçalves CEFET/RJ - Campus Petrópolis
  • Tharso D Fernandes
  • C M M Cosme



Quantum Algorithms, Hidden Subgroup Problem, Quantum Computational Group Theory


The hidden subgroup problem (HSP) plays an important role in quantum computation, because many quantum algorithms that are exponentially faster than classical algorithms are special cases of the HSP. In this paper we show that there exist a new efficient quantum algorithm for the HSP on groups $\Z_{N}\rtimes\Z_{q^s}$ where $N$ is an integer with a special prime factorization, $q$ prime number and $s$ any positive integer.


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Como Citar

Gonçalves, D. N., Fernandes, T. D., & Cosme, C. M. M. (2017). An Efficient Quantum Algorithm for the Hidden Subgroup Problem over some Non-Abelian Groups. Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics, 18(2), 215.



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